

1. Recommended Browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox as well as IE10+.

MyUSC works best using one of the following web browser and related configurations:
Microsoft Internet Explore 10, Windows 10 Edge, Chrome 39, FireFox 31, Safari and above with 1280 X 1024 resolution.

If you are usgin IE10+ and still see this error page, this might be caused by a compatibility problem.
Please change your IE compatibility view settings as instruction in item 4 below.

2. Forgot your ID or Password.

You may retrieve the password by using the "Forgot Your ID or Password ?" function placed above login button. The function will ask you to key in your email address and then will send the password back to your mailbox directly. Then , when you logon MyUSC , you can change password by using MyProfile -> change password function . If there is any further questions or concerns, please contact us again.

3. Use bookmarks to save MyUSC website

Add a bookmark
Click attached URL https://my.uscxm.com to MyUSC website.
Then click the star icon to make a bookmark.

View your bookmarks
To view your bookmarks, click the bookmarks button. If you have your bookmarks organized into folders, click the bookmarks dropdown menu and select a folder to view it. Click "MyUSC Online" to go to MyUSC Website.

Edit your bookmark details
Right-click the bookmark you want to edit, you can edit the name or web address (https://my.uscxm.com).

4. To change Compatibility View settings in IE 11 can fix your site display problem.

1. Please go to "Compatibility View Settings" from "Tools"

2. Please follow the setting and add "uscxm.com" website like as below. You can check the information normally from MyUSC or not

5. How to validate SGS digital signature?

If you need to get valid signature, please clip the "Question mark" twice and follow these steps:
and re-login again, you will see the "Signature valid" then